sábado, fevereiro 25, 2006

Escrevi essa letra de música ligeiramente defeituosa (ainda sem melodia) em 25.07.05. Ela é baseada em fatos reais e piadas internas que ninguém se lembra... Quem estava por lá e pode confirmar (ou não) a veracidade da música não passa por esse blog, então estou colocando mesmo só por colocar:
I once met two crazy girls from Mexico
They hated a guy called Ernesto
They wouldn’t get dinner if they weren’t home by eight
Do I have to mention they were always late?
They said:
Whatever’s left of our happiness is really precious
And that Ernesto’s slightly defectious

They didn’t ride in donkeys or wear sombreros
But their host mother was in it for the diñero
Her name was Monique, how très chic
Bur wouldn’t fit anything from a boutique
She said:
Whatever’s left of my happiness is really precious
And these girls are slightly defectious

One night the girls broke a bottle of tequila
Monique was so sad – it just killed her
Then they came home so late it was early
Though in school they never did poorly
We said:
Whatever’s left of our happiness is really precious
And school is slightly defectious

To a New York trip the went with cheer
Brought back a crappy prize as souvenir
And they gave it to Monique, who was so glad
Until she saw what it said in the tag
It said:
Whatever’s left of happiness is really precious
And this T-shirt is slightly defectious

And now I’m off in the road full of danger
And don’t know if the girls will remember
That Montreal is just so full of festivals
And the weather is highly infectious
And the road says:
Whatever’s left of your happiness is really precious
Because time is slightly defectious
Yeah, happiness is really precious
Because life is slightly defectious

1 Comentários:

Anonymous Anônimo disse...

eu gostei

8:17 PM  

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